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Combining Polygons?


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I'm trying to learn 3ds Max by doing tutorials, however, I ran into something in a tutorial that I can't figure out how to do. I don't know if I'm not understanding what they say to do or if it being said incorrectly.


The tutorial part I am working on is here http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorials/max/joanofarc/body3.asp


The part in question is toward the end of the page where it says "While preparing for modeling of arm, simplify the for faces into one polygons (Weld Target)."


How do I make these 4 polygons into one?

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Hi Heather,


Looks odd, doesn't it? They are doing a Target Weld of the center vertex into one of the other surrounding vertices, thus eliminating the center vertex, but I'm not sure how they are eliminating the additional visible edges.


So, right-click and select Target Weld in the Quad Menu, then drag the center vertex to one of the outer vertices. Then, in Edge sub-object mode, select the other visible edges and make them Invisible. For an Editable Mesh, a Polygon is a set of faces with invisible edges in between.


See if that works. :D

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go into vertex subobject mode...and select that red center vertex...click remove button in edit vertices rollout...(dont hit delete on keyboard)


if above doesnt work then goto edge subobject mode and select four edges which meet at red center vertex...click remove in edit edges rollout..(again dont hit delete on keyboard)...after that goto vertex subobject and u will see the center vertex alone with no edges with it...select the vertex and click remove in edit vertices rollout...


hope it helps...

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