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problems in Vray fur , Hair & fur


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I am trying to explore vry fur and max's hair and fur for making realistic grass. I am using max 8 and vray renderer. iam having some problems with vray fur and max's hair & fur modifier. If I try to render it in a simple scene say just a plane for ground and few boxes as buildings, I can get a good result very quickly, where as if I try to render it in a complex scene with rpcs, max gets crashed. Guys please tell me if there any solution for it.:confused:


Also tell me is there any other plugin for realistic grass which supports vray renderer.

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For exterior images in 99%, you DO NOT need ANY kind of sec rays, so:

1. Turn OFF sec rays

2. Also if your building is not too much detailed, go with IRRMap > Very Low/- 20/20

3. Make dynamic memory limit to 1-2GB and LEAVE static geometru as difolt.

4. Try with Vray displacement modifier for grass its better choice than VR Fur/Hair, lower the subs for modifier to 128-256 for 15-20m distance or leave at 1024 for 2-5m.

5. Try some of above

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hey! thanks for your suggestions guys... :)

i will go thorough these settings...

and also tell me one more thing... if rpc and v-ray is not a good combination..which renderer supports rpcs well. cause I heard that rpcs give problem with mentalray also.. :confused:

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I was not aware of that, it never happened to me. I have this one client that insists on RPCs when I do their exhibition booth designs, which I fully understand as it gives the client a sense of scale.


But I render them fine with vray, I mean theyre RPCs so they dont really look very good, but my Max doesnt crash at all.

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@ okmijun

I tried the settings you suggested. But even vray displacement modifier crashes max when rpc's are there in the scene.

othewise vray displacement renders fine. STILL HAVE PROB> WITH VRAY FUR WITHOUT RPCS ALSO,same with HAIR AND FUR.


@ sterealkey

even I use rpcs with vray , it renders. BUT when I put rpc and apply vray fur or Hair and fur OR vray displacement modifier for grass my max gets crash. if I render it without RPC and the scene is heavy then only V-ray displacement modifier runs well and if the scene is simple; anything without rpc runs well.

I think Vray renders rpcs; but vray fur and rpc doesnt run well. If possible you also give it a try, may be you can find some solution to it. Mean while I will try the same things with Max 9.0 may be max 9.0 can support vray well.

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