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I have another question about 3ds Max - I am working on an animation - are there any basic things that will increase effeciency in time on a small animation? I only have access to one computer that must constantly render. I was just curious how other people achieved short animations like what settings do you use , etc... Thanks

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First, render frames, not movies. If the animation is frames 0-600, render each frame out as a separate file to be sequenced together a program like After Effects or Premiere. The reason I do this is when learning 3D a in my class rendered everything out a movies and the computer froze overnight on the last frame, if she had rendered everthing to frames, she would have only had to re-render the last frame, instead she had to completely re-render the entire animation.


Second, I would still render the animation via Backburner; it will save you on RAM. What it also allows you to do is submit all the different animation sequences in one sitting to the Backburner queue, start the server, and leave it. Rendering out each sequence by clicking the render button and waiting for it to render before starting the next can be frustrating trying to time your life around when the rendering will be done. Yes, the manager and server can be the same machine.


The last thing I can think of right now is to spend the time on the front end to get the scene how you want it to look, then tweak settings to make it render faster. If you can drop rendertime for a frame from 5 minutes to 4:45, that may seem like only 15 seconds, but that is 15 seconds per frame. So even with 300 frames, it is a time savings of 75 minutes for the animation to render. If you have multiple sequences that need to be submitted, you can see how this can quickly add up. It will also start you on the track of optimizing files and getting them to render as fast as possible. I really wish this was stressed in school, people would brag that their rendering took 19 hours per frame (to make their scene seem extremely complex like they were really testing Max when in reality it was ignorance driving this mentality), and professionally speaking that was truly ridiculous for the quality of what we were doing at the time.


Hope this gets you started.

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