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How would you approach a corrugated roof?


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Hi all,


I've been doing a model lately which i cant post an image of (im at my OTHER work atm) and basically when it comes to the roofing i get pretty disenchanted with the process. The corrugated roofing is a real pain for me.


I originally tried using mrDisplacement for the roof which was a really easy process, but unfortunately the automatic subdivision feature with mrDisplace caused some pretty nasty artefacting with my renders (created a diamond looking pattern on a tin-like material)


The workflow i use at the moment which is such a pain and refuses to yield a really good result is to import a large sheet of already modeled roofing, then having already created the basic form of the roof, extrude each face of the roof then boolean with the imported sheet. The result is a high-poly, badly booleaned and difficult to work with piece of roofing.


This would have to be the biggest gripe for me in the whole house modelling workflow. What are your methods!!!???




Incase you arent sure of the roofing type im talking about ive attached an image. This stuff but for roofing obviously.

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Could you create openings with an opacity map on the material? Combining the opacity map with displacement should work fine if you can get the artifacts out of there.


Do you need gaps in the roofing for skylights or something? I don't understand what you're trying to boolean really. Another pic/diagram would probably help.



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what I recommend is to create a (zigzag) section of the roof line, then create the path of the roof. You can loft the section along the path, and voila, corrugated roof lines. Depending on the orientation of the corrugation, you can determine what which axis the corrugated profile and which path the outline of the roofshape get.


hope this helps.

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This is fairly easy to do rather than Tegula tiles.

Make a straight line. Select it's Segment and click Divide accordingly. Then select alternate vertices moving them up or down. Then select all vertices, right click, choose smooth.


Finally apply Extrude modifier. You could adjust the interpolation steps of the line in order to minimize poly count.


Hope that helps.

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all good suggestions.


Chuck: The displacement idea is def out the window. Check out an old render with the displacement method. Take a look at the roof, see how there is a bit of a diamon checker effect? It looks quite splotchy. I believe thats because it isnt a perfect square piece so when mental ray subdivides the surface is doesnt do it in perfect squares, it just makes a whole bunch of diagonal lines which, for some strange reason, turn out horribly. Thats my conclusion, correct or not, im not sure. http://forums.cgsociety.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=117397


only3d, schmoron13 and noi-pi, jucaro: after creating this thread i did watch a vid tutorial showing this method. Im not 100% sure if this will work but its looking like splines might be the way to go. Ill have a go at it and report back.


cdaguru: Unfortunately, no :( I have actually heard of a small plugin for a program which basically takes your roof plan and creates the whole roof depending on your desired angles and such. Sounded too good to be true. and it was. Its not for max :'(


Anyways. Ill have a go at the splines idea and get back to you. Thanks for all the suggestions so far!


PS. If anyone knows the solution to my splotchy displacement problem that would be awesome as i believe it is by far the easiest way...and quickest...

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