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modeling/meshing artifacts


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better post a picture.

be sure that there is no gap between the building parts. (zero distance)

you can try using different subdivision values. process radiosity and turn on 'edged faces' for the perspective viewport, then you usually see the problem.

you can also attach walls and floor to one mesh and weld the vertices.

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I'm modeling an apartment building. 5 stories high. Problem: horizontal lines showing between every floor. At the office, many changes take place on blueprints only after the model actually shows how the building will look like, therefore, I usually try yo make models as parametric as I can, so I can change anything later. Since Viz uses radiosity (and, of course, meshing)coplanar faces between floors show up in the rendering. Vray can handle coplanar faces pretty well, but odd enough, it is waaaaayyyyyyy slow on this one. At the moment, I can get a high quality output in VIZ in about 15 min. incl. radiosity. Does anyone know how to make the joints disappear?

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