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zig zag zebra patterns on glass


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erm, i was hoping someone could tell me the solution !! lol


The viz vizions is weird. I can't see any images from peoples posts on there.


I need to get a website really to post my pics. Someone said bizhosting.com is that right?


Quizzy,if i mailed you the pic could you take a look for me? It's a bit disturbin!


I zoomed in to the windows and rather it turns into sort of dots like a pingpong renderer on the glass, also lines at the side of the window frame.

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okay, this will explain some I hope:






So supersampling gets rid of some bendings when using textures, and its makes the raytrace map a little anti-aliased. So you don't have to use the anti-alias option in the raytrace material map, wich is VERY!! heavy to render...


and now get yourself a f@#$%ing book... :D:D


OR GET IT HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[ August 19, 2002, 08:01 AM: Message edited by: quizzy ]

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sorry quizzy! did my usualof asking before looking! Its quite subtle but it took a few of those weirdlins away from the window frame, thanks mate.


I was going to get the george ohmura book for viz 4, thought the viz 3 one was good.any comments?

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