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Crits Please!


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Hi Everyone,


This is my 3rd go at an arch vis. Im still grappling with mental ray and im getting there but not 100% happy with it just yet.


This is a folio piece as im just starting out!


So basically id like some crits on really anything and everything. Im still very new to foliage so i know the bg trees could be better. There are a couple of artefacts on the walls which im trying to work out at the moment and the flowers are a bit of a rush job and need to be far less uniform.


Any and all comments much appreciated :) and thanks in advance!


On to you!


Cheers :)

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Patience,not even got through the first coffee of the week yet;)

The image is nearly there, the composition looks alright, except for the horizon line running through the centre, push it up or down to create a little more interest and chopping the car half off is a bit off putting, either loose it completely or tweek it into the image.

The foreground-background sharpness with the trees particularly on the right side is not looking so hot.

Do Australian gardens really open up in the road like that? A low bush would help or a bit of clutter to make the place lived in, kids toys out the front, garden hose, chair and pot plants in the porch…..

Looking forward to seeing the where you take it

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It might be nice to see some follage on the edge of the image corresponding to that which is causing the shadows on the road. A few branches. I agree with hughie about the horizon line on the left add some kind of plants to obsure it. Good start, let us see it when your done.

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Thanks for all the comments guys. much appreciated :)


Ill tone down the DOF as i can see its really is overdone.


Hughie, thanks for the crits. Some aussie gardens dont have fences but im afraid that putting one in might obscure just a little too much detail. Good point about clutter. I only had time to put in that one pot to the right of the decking but im thinking of some more stuff i can populate the scene with. The architect who so nicely let me use their plans has requested some scrubby type foliage along the front of the deck as well which could look good but im not 100% sure of it. I will try it thought. Regarding the car, i think youre absolutely right. Im having trouble getting a really good angle where i can fit the car in and still have enough information on the left side of the house...the struggle continues!


Rod: Good suggestion. I might just try putting in a foreground image if i can find/afford one :p It have set the image out so it has been shot from the footpath on the other side of the road. The trees creating the shadows are placed in positions on the nature strip or the front lawn of the garden across the street so im not 100% sure if a foreground image would be "correct" but i will try it none the less. Thanks alot :)


Martin: Thanks for the comments. I totally agree with you about the glass, it is far too dark and has been my problem area since the start of rendering. I just cant work out how to get more light into the house. GI? lighter glass? Self illuminating walls!?


Christopher: Thats a given. Something like that would really break up the "football field" between the nature strip and the decking :p


Thanks again guys! Ill have some revisions done by the end of the week. Cheers.

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I agree with most all of what was said earlier as well. DOF is something people go overboard with too often and it tends to make things look small and toy like. I do not use it unless the shot absolutely calls for it.

This scene may need some color as well. When I first looked at the image I got the feeling of a doctors office or something more commercial than residential, almost a sterile environment.


Best regards,


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  dream said:
that's nice,

but don't you think the building look pale or the light to bright. Maybe it would be more interest if you have diffrent roof color or has accent wall color.Thanks

keep up the good work


Interesting you mentioned that actually and thanks for doing so :) The walls have a "bagged" finish to them but i cant really get enough definition out of it to show. The person who designed the house suggested we switch it over to a large light coloured brick with darker accents around the windows which i shall do in due course!


Cheers and thanks again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again!


I just talked to the guy who designed the house and he's liking the render which is a good thing.


He wants bricks instead of a bagged finish which im not too keen on. He also wants scrubby foliage along the front of the verandar...which im not too keen on.


I tried some blinds in the windows but the aliasing effect(?) makes them look shocking so im getting rid of them when i get home.


Anyways, here it is.


(BTW no Dof added on this)

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The brick and the planting make a huge improvement, the slight change of angle draws the eye in, loosing the DOF is good, don't get rid of the blinds completly, a bit of varation in the windows in nice.


as a note it is tempting to use a DOF effect on a building just because you can(I am guilty of this as well:) ) but if you were taking a photo of a building you have to have a good reason to force DOF in the building particulary in full light, so why would you do it in a viz.

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Thanks for the nice comments again guys!


Hughie:Can i use DOF just a tiiiiiny bit? :p I have to do another render today so i'll post one with DOF side by side with a render without it.


Cheers guys!


BTW: does anyone know how to get rid of that strange effect on the window blinds. I think if i had the camera straight on without a elevation change then it wouldnt happen. I do have a camera correction modifier on my camera but this type of thing really get me. I lose alot of detail in the vertical grout lines on the bricks too because of this effect...

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I tend to agree that DOF wouldn't come into this shot. If you were taking a real photograph of this house (in the harsh Aussie sunlight), you'd be using something like 1/125th exposure, and f16 - f22, both of which would give you an almost infinite DOF. The only object that would have DOF would be your finger - if you forgot to move it from infront of the lens ;)

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