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How do you clear it out?

Devin Johnston

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I've created some models using Maxwell and I've needed to use them in Vray so I've merged them into my scene and replaced all of the materials. However now when I try and render the scene with a computer that doesn’t have Maxwell installed on it I get a missing .dll error and the machine won't render. As far as I can tell the scene has no Maxwell materials in it so I don't know why it's saying it needs Maxwell installed in order to render a Vray scene. Any ideas how I can fix this?

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Well I've looked and I know which objects are causing the problems but there is nothing attached to or applied to them that have anything to do with Maxwell other than they originally came from a Maxwell scene. My work around is to install the .dll onto all of my machines, that works but it's still bothering me.

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Not sure if that missing dll issue is quite related, but I've had good success with using the "KillMissingModifiers" script in the BSpack when I get missing modifiers in a scene. Not sure if materials quite fall into that category, but it's worth a try. That BlurScriptPack is here:



Certainly sounds like an annoying problem. Good luck with it.

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