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make poly and mesh panels (including shortcuts) identical


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make poly and mesh panels (including shortcuts) identical

I mostly use poly, but when I need mesh, I can't understand why the modification panel isn't identical -why doesn't mesh have border? why not flyout spinners? why aren't commands in the same place? why doesn't Edit Poly modifier have the exact same options (eg: no crease control in Edit Poly) and kybd shortcuts as editable poly?


why this is important to me

Inconsistancies make it harder to use, harder to learn. It's annoying to have to reassign all shortcuts TWICE for editable mesh and Edit Poly mod (not sure about Edit Mesh mod -I never use it). Lack of crease function in Edit Poly mod frequently make Edit Poly unuseable for me. Inconsistancies like these make Max seem like a kluged-together program made by different developpers and assembled by Autodesk -kinda lame after 10 years of dev.

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I'm not a specialist, but I think that this is because mesh and poly are not the same thing, not only their names are different. Meshes are created by any 3d app, while polys are a 3ds max thing. You probably won't get them to look nor work the same.


I know they're different in a couple of ways, but the panels can and should have the same layout, because mesh and poly are very, very similar: both have the exact same sub-obj selections, both use the same modifiers and otherwise bahave almost exactly the same way. Btw, polys are also created by almost any 3d app, except for CAD programs -I'm not sure I understand your point in mentioning this?

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