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jumping reflections


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Your setting would help in determining what when wrong in your animation.


My setting brief for camera moving only animation:




primary and second bounce set to light cache





# of pass = 1 (for best quality result)


prefilter = 18

filter = nearest

Interp. sample = 30 (this number needs to be large enough to not show any flickering and artisfacts)


mode = fly-through


set, cal, and saved the light cache file for your walkthru.


2: primary bounce = Irr map

secondary bounce = your saved light cache file


mode = incremental add to map


cal Irr map file per every 50th or whatever you feel confortable. saved that irr map which will have saved your previous light cache map as well.


3. render walkthru with saved irr map in primary bounce. secondary bounce turned off. there should be little or no flickering at all.


3ds Max 9 SP2

vray 1.5 RC5


prepass IR map created every 40 frames then all frames rendered with that file.


Any idea why the glossy reflections are hopping all over the place?





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