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land deformation levels...

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hi guys im creating a site plan which changes over 27 metres in height, ive set the houses out to the correct levels, but was wondering what the best way would be to create the land, to match the proposed levels, im currently thinking about creating a plane breaking it into 100 sections and moving each point to meet each house....


hope this makes sense any ideas would be much appreciated.


thanks dan

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What has worked for me was: to have the splines that define the topographic level adjusted in level in autocad, aligned each in the Z axis or elevation proposed. From here to separe ways: a) one for the terrain and one b)for the model/s. you dray the bottom or lower levels in autocad, either adjusting the plans (cutted at 1.2mts avarege) to the corresponding z height.

In max you adjust the splines (a) to create a terrain, it this fails or the result is crappy , copy them and aply a nurbs surface.

then import (b) and model from there.

having a copy of (b) gives you the chance to project a curve or line or plan to the nurbs you vave just created,

hope it helps


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