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onyx tree problem


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thanks for all your suggestions i've tried them all but nothing seemed to work, weird am i the only one that has had this type of problem??


can someone send me a quick test comparison from their worksation..


one thing that did help alittle, i adjusted my sampling in Brazil 2, but even if i just render out in scanline the tree stills looks like it has alot less trees than the Onyx preview??? almost like Treestorm is optimizing automatically..

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thanks jon, it's in the Broadleaf Libary "Prunus americana" hope you have it,


i dont' want to get introubel with Onyx, you know they make you check that box i promise not to give away any of the files etc..


thanks again for your time

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I'm getting virtually the same results in both programs (32 bit Treestorm, and 3DS out of broadleaf 6) lost a few faces in branch 2, but other than that the same number of polys.


Is it 64bit (I've heard of some problems) or 32 bit Treestorm?


Edit: actually just brought it in 64 bit too and got the same poly count.

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Jon thanks again for your time..


i came up with the same setting as Jon in both Onyx and 3DS??


i think i found the problem, petty simple now looking back..when i rendered "front" view in 3DS it matched Onyx's view, when i rotated the tree it looks different with alot of bare spots.. so i need to preview/adjust the tree in Onyx from all angles(which is not all that simple) before i bring it into 3ds..


i just asumed the tree was full from all angles...

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LOL! I see you have run into one of the catch 22's of Onyx! Either you have a super full tree with a nice canopy and therefore an extremely packed center that is full of "boughs" and "branch1-3's" or you have a tree that looks good from a few angles but has an "ugly side" with gaps, due to the user's attempt at creating an optimized tree. I've always found with Onyx that about 50% of the work is getting the settings right for the way that everything bends, and how leaves are oriented and shaped, etc, and the other %50 is pecking away on the "up" or "down" toggles for the "random seed" value until something beautiful just appears (or something just "passable"- depends on how much time you have available to be sitting there, clicking on a button in hopes that your "perfect tree" will appear. And when you do get the "perfect tree", just rotate around it, and it'll most likely be really flat on one side. ;)). LOL! Onyx is so much fun!

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so i'm not a complete idoit....;)


I have both Onyx and SpeedTree and they both have all these crazy settings that...does anyone even care. I'd just want to see a thumbnail, click, drop it in my scene..


as for Onyx the trees look better

if you apply bitmap textures, and that's what it sounds like most of us are doing, so why donesnt it just ship with preapplied bitmaps right out of the box, saving all of us from doing the same thing..

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since we're at it, can anyone explain why do almost all the preset trees are 2 or 3 meters high at most, but appear like they are mature trees that should be 15-20m high? Scaling them up once in Max doesn't really work (at least not for foreground trees) and scaling them up in Onyx requires to pretty much create a whole new tree...


(or maybe I missed a magic button :D)

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