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Identify which machines the buckets are from.

Crazy Homeless Guy

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I have a question.


When I use distributed with Vray, the machine's IP or name that the bucket is assigned to appears in the bucket. Which makes it easy to identify trouble machines, and remove them if need be from the distributed render.


I am bucket rendering with Mental Ray, and receiving a lot of bad buckets, and it seems to be one machine that is giving them. Is there a way to identify which machine is producing these buckets? I am presuming the bad buckets are from memory issues.



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They discuss it here, but they offer no solution.

They seem to think it's a memory issue.

I can only suggest finding a scene that gives you the bad buckets every time, then turn a machine off until you get rid of the buckets. Reinstall Max fresh. Re-render. If it still happens, check the hardware/memory.


Good luck.

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I don't know MR, but with FinalRender2 under C4D, you can assign a color to each machine's buckets. the buckets get a one-pixel border in that color. If you have dozens of colors it would be hard to tell one from the other, but with only a few its easy. You could at least group them, the reds being one group, various blues another. See if there's something like that you can do.


Oh, another bucket issue is time-outs. Check that out, too, and network issues. maybe the 'bad' machine is on a slow node?

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