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Viz4 render problem


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Hey all,


I was wondering if any of you could help figure out what is happening with this wall.


First image shows it at render in viz. a section of the wall seems flat and has no texture, despite it being a corrugated metal wall.


second shows how the wall is constructed in cad and how it's the same as the walls around it. Yet when rendered, a portion fo the section seems to appear flat, devoid of any texture.


third images shows a closeup of the corrugated wall.


appreciate any help.


Also a note that says obsolete date pops up... anyone knows what's up?









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it was acutally a modeling problem in cad when you move certain objects in 3d mode in cad... it tends to not align.. because of the different axis. as it turned out, the wall in which the corrugated panel sits on somehow was overlapping it and causing the render to become flat bec. the corrugated is being overlapped with a flat wall.


thanks for the reply.

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