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Come get Fry'd!


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  F J said:
i wish there was more information out there about how to setup a FRY scene :(


or maybe its about time we have a Fry section @ CGA ;)


  Fran said:


The tutorials section of the fryrender website is down temporarily because it is being overhauled in preparation for the next release. What is your host application? I can help you with 3ds Max or Rhino if you want. Just start a new thread in the 3rd Party section and we can get started. :)


I'm hoping that fryrender will have a forum here once it is out of beta.



ok, i am trying to determin whether the FryRender beta testers r some sort of scientists or if, in actuality, FryRender is really somethin' else..


i've started learning 3DS Max just a few months ago, but i already feel quite capable due to some intensive training, which allowed me to get started on a WIP here @ CGA..


so as i try to take a look at FryRender i feel totally lost since i dont know the basics for setting up a Fry scene..

im aware of the Fry camera but what about everything else?

r there any dedicated Fry lighting objects or do we just use Max's?

whats the shortcut for Fry's Material Editor? or can we just use Max's?


well Fran, u'r the wiz here so u'll probably know the best way to start some sort of hint list..

maybe it would be helpfull to have a .max sample with a small scene set up with WIP/production settings, but i dont know if thats too much to ask :o

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  Ernest Burden said:
Fry is available to mortals, not just angels and other beta-testers, although they get the newer versions first.



i could provide u with a Space Shuttle, but how easily would u dock with the ISS ? :D

know what i mean?

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You only use Fry materials...so choose frymaterial from the choices and then you can open the fry material editor...


either use natural lighting (through fry, not max) or create objects in max to use as lights, and assign an emitter material to it...


hope that helps a little...

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ok, im sorry.. i was wondering what the hell was wrong with this thing, but i had a sky dome blockin' all the Fry natural light :rolleyes:icon_lol.gif


thx manta, i had no clue about how to setup that emitter..


i wish there was some sort of ETA on the current render..

i see there's a "Max time" setting.. if unchecked will it just keep going forever? :eek:


r there any settings like AA or image sampling?

i mentioned 2 setups before (WIP/production), or do we just preview it by letting it fry for a couple minutes or so?


how safe is it to use the Fry material converter? (i guess i'll try that next)

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Hi Francisco,


Yes, if you uncheck Max time it will render until you tell it to stop. There are 3 settings for image sampling - None (for previews), Default (for images 800x800 and larger), and Maximum (for small renders).


The fryrender material converter has some limititaions. It will not convert mental ray or other 3rd party materials. When creating your own fry materials, is is wise to study some of the ones that come with the package. I believe there is also some basic documentation that helps to exlplain material creation. Also, there is info on the fryrender forum.


To get a feel for fryrender, try using a very simple test scene to begin with - say a box with a window-like opening and some simple objects. That way you can test nearly every aspect and keep your scene variables to a minimum.

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im using my WIP scene w/o materials atm to check it out..


  Fran said:
Hi Francisco,


There are 3 settings for image sampling - None (for previews), Default (for images 800x800 and larger), and Maximum (for small renders).



i wonder where those r hiding at :confused:

think i've looked everywhere.. maybe some menu i havent found yet?

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heh, i still had v1.8 installed so that option was inexistent.. no wonder i couldnt find it Whatever_anim.gif


hmmm, about my sky dome, its object properties still show "dont receive nor cast shadows" but if i use it it still blocks fry's sun :confused:


i see how this works now.. i guess i didnt take it literaly when i read "u dont have to do anything, everything just looks the way its supposed to" hehehmn.gif


first thing tomorrow ima try n convert my whole scene's material table, but so far i havent found where's the equivalent to the diffuse's material slot..

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tried to convert it a lil but im unable to go much further..

no ideia how to make the pool water without the 'falloff' option..

dont have the Mix option for mixing Stucco+Noise anymore.. guess i gotta find some bitmaps for it..

could also use some multi/sub-object, otherwise i'll just have to break up objects into pieces..

also got some 'normal bump' maps, wonder if i can use them..

if Ref 0 is like the Diffuse channel, whats Ref 90? i see Fry's got a Dirt feature, i wonder if i could use these 2 Ref's for mixing a diffuse map with some dirt..


about my sky dome, setting it to not cast/receive shadows under Max's properties does nothing.. we gotta hit Render, stop it, so that then we can access the OBJ tab where we can exclude it from GI.. that works :)

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  F J said:




tried to convert it a lil but im unable to go much further..

no ideia how to make the pool water without the 'falloff' option..

dont have the Mix option for mixing Stucco+Noise anymore.. guess i gotta find some bitmaps for it..


Can you post a screen grab of your Max material settings for these? Maybe I can come up with a fryrender version for you.



could also use some multi/sub-object, otherwise i'll just have to break up objects into pieces..


Just create a MSO material and put fryrender materials in the slots.



also got some 'normal bump' maps, wonder if i can use them..


Yes, you can use normal maps for bump or displacement. Select your normal map and pick Normal Map from the Bitmap resources Mode dropdown.



if Ref 0 is like the Diffuse channel, whats Ref 90?

This is the color of the surface at glancing angles. Kind of like a falloff map. You can create things like velvet and satin with a single BRDF layer by adjusting the ND curve manually. There are some example materials in the demo package, I think. You might also change the color from white for certain metallic effects.


i see Fry's got a Dirt feature, i wonder if i could use these 2 Ref's for mixing a diffuse map with some dirt..

Yes, you can create multiple layers and mix them together using any type of bitmap or fryrender procedural you like to weight them.


about my sky dome, setting it to not cast/receive shadows under Max's properties does nothing.. we gotta hit Render, stop it, so that then we can access the OBJ tab where we can exclude it from GI.. that works :)


You can apply a Fryrender Object modifier to your sky dome to exclude it completely from calculations.


Hope this helps.

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  Fran said:

Hope this helps.


and how! :D




Just create a MSO material and put fryrender materials in the slots.


d'oh! :rolleyes:

all my MSO stuff being converted right now :)



Can you post a screen grab of your Max material settings for these? Maybe I can come up with a fryrender version for you.


i just used the Stucco material from vray-materials.de


as for the water i'd be embarassed to show u the settings.. i just happen to know poppin' a Falloff map on the Reflect slot is the way to do it, but i did a poor job fiddling with the falloff curve..

u can check out my animated water test i just posted (file1, file2)..

sure it may look kinda cool from that angle, but not so hot from other angles..

i even threw another Falloff map on the Opacity slot to compensate for the poor job with the Reflect slot..

needless to say this is, like most of my scene, still in R&D stasis..

(Edit: oh geez, i just found out Fry's got a WATER procedutal.. *smacks himself*)



Yes, you can create multiple layers and mix them together using any type of bitmap or fryrender procedural you like to weight them.


will look into that.. i need to mix some dirty wood :p



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i've been tryin' to get an angle where we could see a direct sun reflection (like on a shot from my water anime), but it seems im either unable to or the sun is simply invisible.. or maybe just some property needing fine-tuning..

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