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Lately I tried to render an image to 6600 x 4800, an error came out saying "error creating bitmap". I am using 3dsmax 8 and vray 1.5rc3 a 2.4 quad core, 2 gb ram, nvidia 8800 gpu. What sort of specs do I need to be able to render out such large images? or does it have something to do with my maps. Thanks

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More RAM, 64-bit Windows helps, or at least the /3GB switch (if that makes your video driver fail to load try /USERVA=2800 instead). Turn off the rendered view window. Use instances, Vray proxies and take your computer out for a nice dinner.

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Thanks switching of the render view helped a lot! (if that makes your video driver fail to load try /USERVA=2800 instead) what does that mean? I did try win xp pro 64bit 2 months ago but stuff like winamp and pendrives did'nt work. drivers. also, there was a touch of instability now and then. anyhow studio max did work fine even with heavy renders. I am thinking about vista 64 bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, thanks,


right what I done was I installed a new HD, with win xp64bit So now I have 2 O/s's on one pc. So I Installed studiomax9 6x bit with vray 1.5 sp1. rendered a n image at 1500 x 1000, It took 58 minutes. Where as if I rendered the same scene on the 32bit platform it only took 25 minutes. Weird, can anyone tell me why this is happening?

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