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prehaps not within the next few years but in ten will the cgarchitect become obselete?



is basing your future on an unstable industry like ours a good move to make? archviz is my love but as a career that will support my future for years to come is a fading dream for me.. i read this thread and it rambed home to me that software will win, as essentially we are dependant on technology's short comings as an indurstry. yes we have our artistic ability, but so does an architect, and seems inevitable fate thats all you will need in the future so what will happens to us?


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I wouldn't worry too much. Graphic design professionals didn't die or disappear after the DtP revolution either...

My clients still draw in 2D, and some even on paper, so I don't really see it as realistic that will suddenly start doing it all by themselves. They already have Max, Formz and other 3D programs, but it takes a lot of time to learn how to use them, which they don't have. Architect education have always focused on (freehand) drawing skille, at least in this country, but it didn't mean that all architects could make good visualizations. There is more to it than just pushing a button or picking up a brush and your Winsor&Newton (I still have mine :) watercolor tablets.

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Although i wouldn't argue that Clients will continue to pay for the ART of rendering, the skeptics in this post really should take a look at the new mental ray rendering available in Revit 2009. It is basically a dumbed down max interface, but the renderings produced are a far cry from the "renderings" produced by the accurender engine in all previous releases.


As far as the time it takes to render these images, for the draft renderings or mid quality renderings the time needed its LESS time than that required by previous releases. the high end renderings do take a while, 2 hours or so (of course depending on the size of the image) but the results are amazing.


Will there ever be a "press for art" button? no.

Does Revit 2009 come close? download the free trial and find out, i would sad its close!


p.s. i am new to these forums i am excited to hear what you all have to say! i am an AE for Autodesk products and an architectural consultant for Revit, so my view on the issue at hand its coming from a technical side.

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I'm at a bit of a loss to find images from the Revit 09 (using only Revit) done by people who are good at it. Do you have any examples? I'd like to see what's going on - though I'd expect that like anything new it will take time for people to catch up to the tech.

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prehaps not within the next few years but in ten will the cgarchitect become obselete?



is basing your future on an unstable industry like ours a good move to make? archviz is my love but as a career that will support my future for years to come is a fading dream for me.. i read this thread and it rambed home to me that software will win, as essentially we are dependant on technology's short comings as an indurstry. yes we have our artistic ability, but so does an architect, and seems inevitable fate thats all you will need in the future so what will happens to us?



So, why are you starting a new thread on this over done topic? :confused:

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I too am curious what Revit '09 can really do... but then again, a lot of this is alarmist nonsense. Remember, this is AutoDesk that we are talking about here... what their glitzy presentation shows, and what can actually be done with the software with a reasonable amount of work are 2 completely different things.


Just because someone has access to the tools that used to be unattainable, does not necessarily make them good at it.

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Back in 1983 I decided I was going to be an architect. A few months later my dad saw a news report on the TV in which a Japanese company was offering houses "designed by a computer". My dad tried to persuade me that I was persuing a doomed profession. I eventually qualified and registered as an architect and whilst I have encountered many architects that are robots, I don't see the computer designing buidlings yet and definitely not in our lifetimes.


If Revit can do better images than you,with a single button click, then you really aren't trying hard enough.



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Have you seen these digital cameras that are available now? If Joe Pubic gets one of them and a copy of Gimp, the photography profession is dead!


Who needs someone with better equipment, years of experience and training and, most importantly, a good eye when you can just bodge it yourself?

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Its all over if Joe Pubic gets a Gimp. I know Joe and lets just say he should not have any gimp access. I don't know if its the end of our careers but it would be scary.



I don't know if anyone can predict how this stuff will affect us 10 years from now. 15 years ago photographers were freaked out when P.S. was becoming popular. The thought was that everyone would be able to take a crappy image and make it pretty. I don't think that happened and it was not the end of their work. All that has happened to photographers is that they have had to change their work flow and add in P.S.


Now PRINT developers have had a hard time. Dark rooms are much less important and that whole side industry has changed. I can't remember the last time I went to a printers/developers for photographs. My slr died about 5 years ago and I haven't had it fixed. We used to develop maybe 1-2 dozen rolls a year. So changes will happen and I don't know if we can know what will be affected.

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