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Office exterior...


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Thx all for the comments... it does need alot of work, I have been pulled off onto a tower project though so it might be a few days before an update...


rendered with Mental Ray in max... a little post work done in photoshop (sky = blue gradient + black radial gradient on a soft light blend...)


same materials as the last image... I worry a little about keeping the images being created consistent to set a standard as to what I am producing. Do alot of arch. viz. people out there worry about this??? or is it just me?


It does look like a small scale model, now that you mention it... hopefully when I pop in the actual context building adjacent to the site this will change... the buildings in this image were created quickly with greeble.

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any chance you could give more info on the light setup and render settings and also how you go about getting the sky in there, not too familiar with photoshop, i'm guessin its somethin to do with replacing the alpha channel maybe???


anyway info on lighting and render setting would be appreciated



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... I worry a little about keeping the images being created consistent to set a standard as to what I am producing. Do alot of arch. viz. people out there worry about this??? or is it just me?



I worry about that all the time. :)

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haha... nah, I just don't have any of the structural info yet... and I'm waiting on the landscapers too...


sure - don't let a little detail like building structure get in the way of a good image.


i could give you some suggestions on where you might need it ?

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