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Beach Resort


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In one of the 3d world magazines over the last few months there was an article on creating cresting waves. I'll see if i can find it in the morning. I know it wasnt for max but it might still be useful.


I would personally try some sort of PFlow solution. I think theres also some sort of height (world) based map in max but im not sure... ill have a look for some info on that too..


edit: The map type is 2D and its landscape (lume) No idea of its useability but i saw a video tutorial of someone using it to good effect once...

Edited by WAcky
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@WAcky: did you find the article

@kippu: They are Evermotion model and made by Onyx tree.

@Tommy L: Thanks Tom.


I found this on evermotion - and I asked caesar but got no infomation :D

Do anyone have idea to do wave- foam like this ????







A little movie in sd and hd:

http://cat-a-pult.com/temp/IL/IL_SD.avi (50mb)

http://cat-a-pult.com/temp/IL/IL_HD.avi (125mb)

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Hi all, I have upupdated. The foam created by the blend material with an foam texture. I animated the UVWmap to have moving foams :D. It look quite funny but I think it's better than nothing :D. I'll show the animation later ..



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Hi Dinh,


Sorry! I totally forgot :p


Anyways i had a look thru my 3DWorld mags and found it. The only thing is its not for breaking waves or actual beach foam. Its more for cresting waves...


They method they use is in the Feb 2008 issue titled "100 greatest 3D movies"


I've pm'd you.

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This is really looking great, cant wait to see final.Just one question, I assume you are using vray to render final animation. Does Vray proxies of high poly trees render quicker than image based low polies with lots of detail. You have obviously done this before so have probably experimented with both options.

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@Horhe: Thanks! I'll try to do it in post work, I have no change to rerender again :)

@A.Mitov: the ocean made by blend material with 3 materials: water, water near the beach and foam. The mask was paint by Photoshop follow the beach.

@WAcky: Thanks you. I'm checking the message

@foxlee: The image based low polies alway faster in my experient ( do not use Filltering in Bimap Parameters). I used Vray proxies of high poly because I dont have nice lowpoly tree :)

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