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Interior, Dining Room - C&C Welcome

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Hey guys...


First personal project since i left University a month ago, working on environments to build up a show reel. This scene was my first ever attempt at using GI n FG, so im very new to this stuff, steep learning curve.


Low quality render, lighting test. Im looking for C&C of the overal scene, from lighting to compostion n layout to textures.








Thanks in advance, Damian.

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Hi Damian,


The table settings need work. The cutlery looks too small and the place mats look too rigid. They should also have small variations in placement - same with the chairs. Roundover the edges of your surfaces to give more realistic specular reflections.


Other than that, everything is coming along nicely. :)

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Hey guys thanks for the fast responce.


Strat + Mitov: AA is set to min -1 max 1 at the moment. As this bad boy is taking 2-3hours a render. As its a lighting test render i didnt need the AA any higher ill save that towards the end when everything looks sweet. Jpeg compression was exported at 100% high quality. I guess its just the low AA that makes it look low quality, but ill be sure to up that for the following images, thanks.


Fran: I agree, i didnt think about giving the chairs and place mats any variations, thank you.

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Heres an image with alot higher AA settings, i didnt post this one earlier as there is an error in the contrast of the image backplates and its a slightly older image with different light settings. But you can see the image more clearer at least :)




Thanks again, Damian.

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That's better. :) It looks nice and clean. But something I would like to point out is the colors of the interior and the overall dark tones of your walls and furnishing. Try using lighter colors with variations. They will "open" the space. If the walls are to stay with this color you should definately paint the ceiling light beige or white. On the other hand the image lacks light and contrast. Here's a quick PS corrections I did - added curves correction, some sharpening, and colored ceiling white:



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Thanks for the advice Mitov. Ive finished modelling n texturing some door handles that where missing from them french doors. Ive largened the candles slightly on the table, lowerd the canvas on the wall slightly and i intend to tweek the material of the chairs. Then ill be ready to pump out a final render and start compositing it together in the FXtree, as im using Softimage XSI.


I do intend to brighten it all up more, alot like your interperation actually, which looks alot nicer than mine :). I intend to colour correct a few things, layer up an ambient occlusion pass and use some depth of field. Ill post my futher WIP's ASAP. In a few days time as im a little busy at current :(

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