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Pimpin my house - project :P


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I started with modelling my house in archicad then exporting to max and used vray for lighting ... just for fun


These first 2 renders are pretty much what the room looks like. The room is actually pretty much empty in real life, the furniture is added, just playing around with organisation and lighting in the subsequent renders.


Might post a photo of the room later.


P.S. i know about the huge amounts of noise but i'm running a AMD 3200 with 1 gb ram :eek: and didnt want the render time to exceed 30 minutes (actual render time was about 20 minutes)

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Other than the graininess it's lookin good. If this rendering is meant to be a study of the rendering compared to the real life photograph, and you have achieved your goal than yes I would move it to the finished gallery. But if this rendering is meant to stand on its own than I would definitely add some more details and color, even if it your real place doesn't have it. Otherwise, keep up the good work and keep posting.

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I like the owns with the psychic colors :-))



But serius how did you make the bnice light under the shelf blade over

the TV-Set? is it done with selfillu mat?


I think you can use it as a self standing picture with a lil bit more dramatic in the cam position (like lying on the floor) more dramatic light and

perhaps one ore two pieces of disturbing things (like a trashed beer can on the floor or a fallen down paper trash bag...etc.)

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