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Old project, new workflow


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This was my first arch-viz project from college. I thought I might try and save it from the "too far gone" bin.


At present, low-level FG only, no GI, mia_material (A&D material) throughout. Modelled in Maya 8.5, rendered with mentalRay and tone-work in Photoshop.


Any glaring issues you can spot, please let me know.



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I like the image. I would look for a really good wood texture for the timber roof trusses though. Something with plenty of grain and a bit more vibrance. They're not looking woody and are a bit washed out. It depends what the plan is, exposed soft wood trusses (generally considered unattractive and unlikely) or an oak like truss, which, in my opinion, would be bulkier. I understand you're just revisiting old work but maybe something to consider next time?

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Looking good. Very good attention to detail, really like the image.

Outside looks a bit over bright and also the floor where the sun comes in.


Otherwise looking good


Thanks, I'll be correcting the lighting once I've finalised the materials and model.


I like the image. I would look for a really good wood texture for the timber roof trusses though. Something with plenty of grain and a bit more vibrance. They're not looking woody and are a bit washed out. It depends what the plan is, exposed soft wood trusses (generally considered unattractive and unlikely) or an oak like truss, which, in my opinion, would be bulkier. I understand you're just revisiting old work but maybe something to consider next time?


Yes, the trusses are a problem. Originally it was meant to be an old river-side shack that had been renovated into a weekend hideaway. I'll have a go at the heavier trusses as you suggested. Thanks.


looking really good. I agree with above also... is that back splash suppose to be that polished? Great start.


Thank you. Yes, it's meant to be back-painted glass, though I'm thinking it might end up as brushed stainless steel.

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Ok, I think I'm getting close with this one now. I still need to add some bracing or gang-nails to the trusses, can anyone see anything else that need polishing? I'll be adding this to my revised portfolio (also a WIP) once it's done.


Thanks all,



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This is the next shot from the same project. I've added a few small details around the room. Getting close to final renders now. Raw render with small gamma tweak. Maya & mentalray.


Any comments appreciated.



Edited by shaneis
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