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Recent rendering Residential Apartments

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I think everything looks really good, but the colors delineating the buildings are too primary in nature. I would dull the color slightly and maybe add a highlight and shadow to make them more three-dimensional.


Thanks Parker


I had the same sugession but the architect wants only that white and the sunken portion in that dull green grey sort of.

I will make the changes as ur sugession and render it again and show it to the architect he might will open his eyes then for a better option ;)


Thanks for the sugession

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Hey there muchha


Good renders, nice, clean. Your first shot that you can see all most of the buildings is the money shot. You must keep that camera angle for the finals.

The front angle is a bit to head on for me, personally I dont like it, also that car going through the entrance is way to green.

Your arial view is good, I dont like the faded trees though, But I know how hard it is to create arial foliage in photoshop. Also the shadow of the building onto the pavement is Blue?:confused: Like very blue.


Cant wait to see the updated renders

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Hey there muchha



Dear my name is Sandeep MUCHHAL :)

thr are some changes minute from the architect. I will make those changes and will come back with the final renders.

now i m also feeling the issue of white color and yes the camera angle 2 is an issue architect also raised he also wants one side to be seen along with it.


I am currently making those changes.


actually my machine is not able to render those scenes (till now i was using my colleuge's now its busy).


I have ordered a new machine as soon as i get it first task will be rendering these images.

hope fully will comeback in a day or 2



thanks for replies

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