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Loading 32bit TGA's without auto-masking


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Does anyone knows where I can turn of the auto-masking when loading 32 bit tga's into photoshop?
I'm not sure what you are trying to do. But it matters a great deal which version of Photoshop you are using. Typically, a Targa file with an alpha channel will load in and just look like an image. You can go to channels and turn on the alpha, which will (by default) add a pink color to show the mask.


Older versions of PS (5, 6) handled .tga files in a predictable way. But with 7.0, Adobe decided that no-one wanted to use .tga files (in other words they forgot about our industry) so they changed how they are handled. They had a DL-able patch to enable alpha handling. But after an outcry, they had to restore it to how it used to be, and for that you MUST DL the 7.01 update. Once that is in place, all will be good with 'tga files.


But are you asking about clipping paths? They behave differently, and I don't use them much so am not sure off-hand how to turn off their display. I think the Lightscape people are masked with a clipping path. Or maybe that was the people in my fathers Entourage CD.


Or did I miss the p[oint of the question?

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Most of my work is doen in formZ, and formZ crashes when using a tif file compressed with LZW out of Photoshop 7. Worked fine up until and including version 6.5.
The simple solution is to not save .tif files with compression. I don't. Hard-drives are cheap.


But the overall point remains--Adobe likes to re-do that which ain't broke. It's annoying.

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