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PlugIn - PhotoFixLens


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Originally posted by bigcahunak:

...The original image was bigger, they corrected it, and had to trim it, because of the empty areas created, ending up with a smaller image....

Much simpler, they used the program the opposite way. They started with the correct image and distorted it. :gebigeek:
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BTW: I don't like those programs. you always have to trim your image at the end. thats why they always cheat when they show their before and after images.

Example from the site you linked to:

Here is the "So claimed" original image


Now, if that was the whole image to begin with, where did they get the extra flowers and table on the side?


The original image was bigger, they corrected it, and had to trim it, because of the empty areas created, ending up with a smaller image.

Now, for them its ok. It did what it said it would. But, you have to remember that if you want all your image to be correctd, you need a bigger image to begin with.

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