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Vray Photorealistic Renderings


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Hi all, It's been awhile. Ive been playing with vray alot , but i haven't been able to acomplish that little bit of realism to a render i see everywhere.


I am troubling with lightning for the most.


This is what i have achieved for now



















But none of that fit's what i want to achieve, and i simply need help on how i make simple interior scenes look so nice and real like this :






Help with lightning and Vray Camera settings would be so regarded. If not here, you can always contact me at johnbeijer@hotmail.com both msn messenger and mail.


I hope you guys understand what i mean, I'm so trying to make things look just a tad more realistic than that.


Best regards,



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:) I see you are strong in russian... Your question is so hard so all of us everyday asks ourself. Why my render is so bad? And answer: Because that corner is dark, because there are no reflections, looks flat or mood. These are way to make image better. We divided global problem to more simply parts. Work with every that things and you have good result. Increase light in the corner, make strong shiny reflections, add perspective, bring to the forefront main objects. All I want to say is every good image is like a story. It tell something and need to have an idea. I know when you are not so experiensed it's hard to make it. So find good reference image you like and try to recreate lighting, composition and color scheme. After plenty of practice you'll get your answer.
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Hi everybody. This is my first post hehe :D. I've been reading and there's interesting answers, but I got a question. Don't you guys use any kind of postproduction program to reach the final results (photorealism)? Is just VRay or maybe Photoshop, AE, Combustion also? :confused:


Thx for ur answers (by the way, sorry for my bad english hehe :o)


Best regards

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Hi Carlos,

Welcome to cga. Try posting questions in a relevent thread or start a new one.

Also, I would advise asking slightly more specific questions. Everyone here will have their own techniques and use many different softwares. Your best bet is to post some work in the WIP forum and learn from the critiques. There are no easy routes to good work.

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