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Can everybody Sharing tip?


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i guess i'll start:


1. A rule of thumb to get a start to a nice composition is a third and two thirds... Meaning that your focus should be a third into the image...


2. Guy in the front is out of scale... looks too big...


3. Your vegetation is not blending into the scene well and the reason for that is that shadows are missing directly under the tree or bush as well as from the sun. Also if the sun is behind the camera as some of shadows indicate and the building is not correctly lit. Your shadows are too soft and need to be stronger..


4.and the biggest trick of all that i always tell my guys... Randomness and detail... Nothing in nature repeats itself exactly the same... Look for that variation and try to recreat it and you will not notice a huge improvement in your work...


I am also attaching an image that we've just produced for my client. Not to say that this is amazing but rather to give you an idea of what i am talking about... Good luck and keep at it... It will come...

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the guys eye should be on the horizon only if the camera is set at eye height but yours seems closer to 2.5M as it seems to be level with the roof of the white block at the front. If the path is parallel to the front of the building it should share the same vanishing point.

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