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Spine3D's Website Copycat


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They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, but I think this is ridiculous: http://vfxdirect.com


How should I respond to this? Should I kindly ask that they take down their website? Should I immediately contact my attorney? Or, should I just accept it and ignore it?


Well, their work is crap so? In all seriousness if you paid for the web design at Spine then you or the designer own the copyright to that design. You can send them a letter requesting they pay you a fee for the design, take it down or get attorneys involved (not a good idea.) If I were you I'd write them a little letter if it bothers you, if not leave it alone. Life is short this won't impact your business imo.

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is it not that you've coincidently used the same web site creation software with similar templates?


whichever, the content is different, and there is a significant layout difference even though the similarities are there. i personally wouldn't make the effort to complain. it's not like the 'other' site is taking potential revenue from you.

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looks like a commercial template?

they dont 'seem' to be the kind of company that would knowingly rip off another studios web design.

ask them who did it?


Nope. It's not a template. We designed it in-house and had a company called Mobius Interactive put it together for us.

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Maybe Mobius sold the design on something like monstertemplates.com


I'll check with Mobius, but the guy is a former employee and a good friend. I kinda doubt he would do that to me...


I like how their background doesn't scroll with the rest of the page, but the vines around the main box do. Maybe you could use this as a opportunity to see what works well about theirs and maybe incorporate into spine's!


Lol...that's good idea ;)


I had a software copyright issue in the US some time ago.


Back then, the source code had to be 90% identical.


Good point, although I'm not sure how percentages can be calculated in this case. But, I think it is similar enough to cause a problem...

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Cory, you just became a member to make your first post to this thread?


What is TangsemTech? Are they selling a template of my site?




Hey Eddie,




Check out their logo section. http://tangsemtech.com/portfolio/logo_design.aspx It looks like they designed their logo. Seems reasonable to assume they also designed the website template...or stolen it.

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Seems reasonable to assume they also designed the website template...or stolen it.


That's a reasonable assumption, but considering the fact that I have met Jody LaRue before at DMVC, I find it highly unlikely that he had not seen my website before. I just think he made a bad choice.


As a general rule of thumb, I think we all need to respect each others work and business. This type of activity causes unnecessary confusion and mistrust in our industry which is something we all do not need. I prefer that we all act as grown-ups and help each other when possible.


Fortunately, Jody quickly took the website down and sent me an email apologizing for what happened. I accepted his apology under the condition that he adjusts his website so that it is not so similar to mine. I don't expect him to have to pay for a whole new design. I am somewhat "flattered" that his site was similar to mine and I will gladly offer him some advice/suggestions on his new one. I look forward to seeing it.


Thanks to everyone that gave their input!

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i have actually seen lots of similar joomla templates like your site though


I will admit that our current website design isn't too creative and flashy. It does have more of a corporate feel than our previous designs. The reason we did this is to make things a little more clear and obvious to some of our older clients. As a result, I think the basic layout can be seen as generic. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other templates that are similar. But, the choice of layout on VFXDirect was a little too similar for comfort. A few basic changes to their background patterns, choice of words, placement of categories will do the trick.

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I will admit that our current website design isn't too creative and flashy. It does have more of a corporate feel than our previous designs. The reason we did this is to make things a little more clear and obvious to some of our older clients. As a result, I think the basic layout can be seen as generic. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other templates that are similar. But, the choice of layout on VFXDirect was a little too similar for comfort. A few basic changes to their background patterns, choice of words, placement of categories will do the trick.


what you just said makes me wonder if it would be worth having more than 1 version of a site...1 for the old fogies that dont like seeing glamor and glitz and 1 for those that expect it.

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what you just said makes me wonder if it would be worth having more than 1 version of a site...1 for the old fogies that dont like seeing glamor and glitz and 1 for those that expect it.


Why would you do that? Web sites are for the user to get in and get out with what need, all the rest is just ego for the owner of the site.

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