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vray autodidesk


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has anyone heard anything about autodesk purchasing vray?


im taking a revit course from a guy who says autodesk purchased vray back in april or something. i find that hard to believe because i think MR is more than an adequate render engine. im not saying its better or worse then anything out there... frankly because i haven' experimented too much. --- but why would they purchase vray when they've got MR? maybe it makes sense, i dont freaking know. He says that MR cant render in HD??? but i render animations in HD resolution. i dont get it. he also said that images in the bump slot contribute to color, which goes against anything ive ever learned, heard or done. he also teaches a 3d max course - so i assume he has some knowledge of this stuff.... but i do it alot.


i've only been doing 3d stuff for three years, but i think i have decent handle on it and stay in pace with the learning curve.... id love to hear som feedback before i say anything else.

Edited by mskin
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As a reseller for V-Ray (through VisMasters) and as friend of Peter and Vlado, I can guarantee you they have not been purchased by Autodesk. While not impossible in the future I suppose, I agree with Justin, given their close ties to Mental Images it's unlikely they would given it would serve no real financial purpose to do so.

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Since I beleive Adobe is bigger than Autodesk, I think it would be hilarious if they bought up Autodesk! LOL Taste of their own medicine ;)


With all that I say that may be taken as a negative against Autodesk, I do respect how such a large company moves so quickly and takes advantage of all these oportunities. Like them or not, I think you have to begrudgingly respect their business skill and tenacity.

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this guy taught a course in revit. i thought it was an awesome class. i learned a ton. i did identify some miss-information in terms of what i mentioned previously and some other stuff. he did a good job though. i just thought it strange how a guy who seems to be so knowledgeable could get a couple of things so freaking wrong. all this being said.... i would recommend the course to anyone in my area. But i would hesitate, i think, on taking classes in max/MR/combustoin from him i think due to the certain things he got wrong. I don't know if that is wise or not though. anyway, ill just keep learning from you guys.

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  mskin said:
he did a good job though. i just thought it strange how a guy who seems to be so knowledgeable could get a couple of things so freaking wrong.


I was in a training class once for 3dsMax/MR, and the person instructing the class told everyone if they wanted to mask a sky into an image using photoshop they should draw a big green plane behind it, and then select the green in photoshop, and delete it, revealing the sky. Then he went on to explain that it is the same concept they use in the movies.


I was astonished to say the least.

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  crazy homeless guy said:
I was in a training class once for 3dsMax/MR, and the person instructing the class told everyone if they wanted to mask a sky into an image using photoshop they should draw a big green plane behind it, and then select the green in photoshop, and delete it, revealing the sky. Then he went on to explain that it is the same concept they use in the movies.


I was astonished to say the least.


Well, you know what they say. There's people who do and there's people who teach. :rolleyes:

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