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CG Buy/Sell Forum?

Jeff Mottle

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Given the current economy, I thought people might like somewhere to sell and buy goods from others on the forum. Specifically CG related hardware (as most software is not resellable). To prevent abuse it would only be available to those with more than 100 posts on the forum. Would anyone be interested in a forum like this? If so, post your yea or nay here and if there is enough demand I'll create it.

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  aaron-cds said:
Could we sell custom 3d models and textures?


No the idea here would only be for physical items, rather than making an online store for 3d models.


If you're selling a ZIP drive, how about a JAZZ. I'll even throw in several dozen media. If you backup to 12, at least one will work LOL.

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  • 7 months later...

autoshade 2.0 on 5-1/4" floppies




(ok it is only some reallllly olllllld software)


will Trade for 64 bit anything






(Too bad softaware is so out of bounds)

Edited by vizwhiz
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