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upgrading to max6


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quick question: when upgrading from 5 to 6, am I buying a new license (buying a new seat of max) or is it literally an upgrade (a la Propellorhead's Reason) whereby my version 5 sits in the closet? In other words, can I have 5.1 running on one machine while 6 runs on another (LEGALLY)?

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that's such crap!!! I get that companies do this as a means of piracy prevention, but it's just a hassle to the consumer. The honest folks who buy the software are the only one's who get screwed here. the one's that use cracked progs aren't using the upgrade path. I understand that they don't want to give away copies, but it just bothers me how discreet, and specifically autocad abuses their customerbase. I remember when I was looking into autocad and it was right after 2k2 came out. I called up id8media and they priced it for me, so I asked if I could get a discount for getting 2k instead and they said no...so I could buy Acad 2k and Acad 2k2 for the same price? makes no sense, I'm just ranting cause I'm pissed and frustrated. The more I use max, the more annoyed I get with their practices...from buggy patches...


I look over at maya and it grows more tempting by the day...


ok, my rant is done

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That's what I've assumed. It is an upgrade, afterall, and not a full purchase.



The MR licenses are for 2 processors, so does anyone know how much each additional license is? I know this will be a big issue in the near future.

Are there any other features that people are finding useful(plan to find useful) and worthwhile to upgrade (beyond MR, as I have fR Stage 1)?


Also, does anyone know if there is anyway to down save?? Max is the only program I have ever used where you can't downsave! Even Acad can downsave!

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that's such crap!!! I get that companies do this as a means of piracy prevention, but it's just a hassle to the consumer.
If you want to use it legally on multiple machines feel free to buy a new lic at $3495 or pay the lower upgrade of $795 (or for free if you are on subscription) and let the old copy sit. For further information you may want to refer to: http://support.discreet.com/webboard/wbpx.dll/read?92992,198


Also, does anyone know if there is anyway to down save?? Max is the only program I have ever used where you can't downsave! Even Acad can downsave!
You may want to check out: http://www.scriptspot.com/bobo/darkmoon/bff/
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Originally posted by PiXeL_MoNKeY:

that's such crap!!! I get that companies do this as a means of piracy prevention, but it's just a hassle to the consumer.
If you want to use it legally on multiple machines feel free to buy a new lic at $3495 or pay the lower upgrade of $795 (or for free if you are on subscription) and let the old copy sit. For further information you may want to refer to: http://support.discreet.com/webboard/wbpx.dll/read?92992,198


Also, does anyone know if there is anyway to down save?? Max is the only program I have ever used where you can't downsave! Even Acad can downsave!
You may want to check out: http://www.scriptspot.com/bobo/darkmoon/bff/ ??? :rolleyes: That's my whole point. It just annoys me that it's so damn expensive just to upgrade.
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