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suggestions for 3ds max books?

Guest dec

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im a maya user switching to 3ds max. im planning on getting some training material for max, can anyone make some suggestions? (books, dvds, etc.) currently im thinking either the max5 bible or that one book with the character in a rowboat. and i know discreet has a little bit of training courseware. and that max character modeling for gaming with the female character on the cover always looked interesting. if anyone has experience with any of these or has any suggestions please share. thanx.

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Originally posted by dec:

well at work i think im going to be stuck on 5 for awhile. does the author have a release for 5?

Hi Rhett,


Yes, I do have a max 5 Fundamentals by New Riders. You can probably still find a copy in most major bookstores or you can buy a new or used one at Amazon.


Thanks William!



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