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Free 3d models


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Hello all,


I've been sharing a few models on my blog for some time, but I realized that I haven't posted them here (except for the link in the sig, which doesn't mean much since I don't post very often on the board).

Hope these may come in handy to you. Feel free to use them in any kind of project you might have (just please don't sell them or give them away to a third party).


The link is www.cgdigest.com The models are uploaded in the "free 3d models" category and pages.



Best regards,


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Thanks for the nice words.

Good luck if you decide to jump into the freelancers boat! Although, due to this damn financial crisis it probably isn't the best time to start on your own, if you are not already there...



I finally managed to find time to go through the models, and now all them have a ".3ds" version as well.


Best regards,


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