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Prices on Elance


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I know pricing questions are done to death and I apologize but I have only dabbbled in Arch Viz and am only now really taking a look at it. There is one job with 1100 houses interior and exterior:eek: and there is no bid over $5000. There is another with only 7 houses but it needs to be animated and they want you to design the website as well, avg. bid $749


Is that really the state of the industry or are they just all crazy?

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Ever heard of 'ghost bidders' in the elance culture? They are involved in the same company or maybe are the exact same people. They bid extremely low, and therefore eager creatives from all over the world try to go under, trying to get 'm as a solid and returning customer.


Or, some people bid low and if the job is sealed, they start pulling arms to get the right price. It happens often when in the midst of a job, or when in possession of crucial information about the project.


Yep, it's a nasty world out there...in India. Watch your back fellows...



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yeah you think those low bids are ridiculous, but then they get awarded the job


a few weeks later you recognize the project in someones portfolio and it looks like what would come out of a 1st semester studio max class, and you think, 'did that really happen? did someone really accept those results?'


there are people willing to work for next to nothing, which i guess is better than nothing


on that note, id like to shamelessly plug myself, as 'pretty pictures of buildings' is not something many people want or understand out here in columbia missouri and its pretty hard to make real connections. so if anyone needs some good help inexpensively....

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  dave5264 said:
...on that note, id like to shamelessly plug myself, as 'pretty pictures of buildings' is not something many people want or understand out here in columbia missouri and its pretty hard to make real connections.


Your town is between Kansas City and St Louis. Those are 2 good markets. I recommend you take your show on the road and make some face-to-face presentations to the top local architects in those cities. Do some research first and find out if you have any architectural connections there. Then try to schedule some meetings.


Keep in mind, even though clients are looking for low cost because of the tough economic climate, they are also looking for low risk and simplicity. If you can be clear to them about the value that you can bring them then you should be successful. Good luck!

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that might be interesting.


its difficult though because this is not my day job. i dont even do any rendering in my day job, just drafting, this is strictly a night and weekends deal. so i would have to see some real potential to warrant taking a vacation day to drive to st louis.

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