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BluRay messed wit' ma head!

Tommy L

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I saw BluRay on a $4k Sony TV for the first time last night. Really crisp.....but....I didnt like it!

It made the movie (Dark Knight) look like a TV News broadcast. I sat there for ages trying to figure out why. I still dont know. I know make-up artists have had to change their work practices, but it wasnt the make-up. Maybe it was becuase that whole '35mm glow' thing wasnt there.


I can see that something like 'Blue Planet' or 'Planet Earth' would be a different story, but a friend of mine watched Indiana Jones (the newest one) on BluRay and his opinion was that it spoiled the movie.


I would love to hear other peoples opinions on it.


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Interesting view.


I only have a few blu-ray films. Casino Royale which I can't really remember but I think it looked great.


I then bought no country for old men and that looks incredible. All the cracks in tommy's face are so detailed but then again I've never seen it on any other format.


I just bought beowulf purely because of the super detailed 3d :) mmmmm


An interesting point is I just bought Silent Hill on DVD because the special features aren't on Bluray. Who knows, I will probably get it on Bluray down the track.

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A lot of HDTVs come with a color calibration I don't quite agree with, it pushes the blues pretty strong, and of course LCDs (even the expensive ones) don't deal with blacks as well as you'd hope. I've got a Sony SXRD set (which they don't make anymore) and had to use a warm profile as the starting point just to make it neutral, but the color is really amazing and Blu Rays and HDDVDs are incredible on it. Back when HDDVD was still all the rage I watched The Fountain on it and my mind was blown by the bubble floating in space scenes - it had been a long time since I'd seen anything with a really effective use of dark tones. Planet Earth in Blu Ray is, of course, gorgeous. I just received House of Flying Daggers (Amazon had a sale on Blu Ray discs) and am looking forward to watching it. Curse of the Golden Flower should be arriving soon too.

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I thought the same thing when I first watched movies on true 1080p Blu ray, but I have gotten used to it. I think you will too. it will probably become the norm as you watch more and more of them.


I saw BluRay on a $4k Sony TV for the first time last night. Really crisp.....but....I didnt like it!

It made the movie (Dark Knight) look like a TV News broadcast. I sat there for ages trying to figure out why. I still dont know. I know make-up artists have had to change their work practices, but it wasnt the make-up. Maybe it was becuase that whole '35mm glow' thing wasnt there.


I can see that something like 'Blue Planet' or 'Planet Earth' would be a different story, but a friend of mine watched Indiana Jones (the newest one) on BluRay and his opinion was that it spoiled the movie.


I would love to hear other peoples opinions on it.


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I have Dark Knight on Blu-Ray and a 37" Panasonic Viera LCD - looks absolutely amazing to my eyes. Blacks are good and the sharpness is exactly what I would expect (and wanted) given that there are about four times as many pixels there.


Maybe the $4k plasma is overpriced?



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I also find this effect particularly bad with Samsung LCD TVs HD for some reason but this is displaying standard resolution images not HD/BluRay... It gives what you're watching an unnerving 'live feel' rather than a post produced finished product.


It is generated as an effect in standard resolution too. But what creates it I don't know. The music video for Eminem's 'Without Me' has it in the cave scenes with Osama Bin Laden. (I'll be on an FBI watch list for putting his name in an internet post now!)

Edited by BillyElNino
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There is a setup proceedure that you're supposed to do on your TV using the colour test pattern that you see during the "emergency broadcasting system test". The vertical coloured bars with the black and white squares at the bottom.


You can hire a pro, or go out and get the colour filters that you need to look at the pattern through.


A lot of the HDTV fan sites have proceedures for this posted in their forums. I came across it when I was researching my tv purchase.


On topic, I'm using a PS3 as a blue ray player and a Sharp Aquos 37" 720p and I don't notice any problem, but I like the large clear picture. I am also not a real vido conneseur. After a while you stop critiquing the picture and go back to enjoying the story.

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I believe it is the 120Hz refresh that is causing what you experienced. I recently purchased a 47" 1080p Samsung with 120Hz and it caught me off guard. It makes everything look like a documentary, or a sports broadcast. The television has options for adjusting back to more standard number, cinema being 24Hz I believe. You do get used to it, but it does seem very strange for the first 2 weeks or so.


I am thinking of getting a 40 to 46" samsung lcd, anyone had good experiences with those?


Very happy with mine, moving from a 32" Olevia.


For setting up an HD television I would suggest this purchase, well worth the asking price:



Edited by beestee
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Personally, I love how my Blu-ray disks look (especially animated films). I was at BestBuy the other day though and they had a comparison of a calibrated LCD tv side-by-side with the same unit uncalibrated and I thought the uncalibrated unit looked way better. One of the X-Men movies was playing and it looked desaturated and flat on the calibrated TV.

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I am thinking of getting a 40 to 46" samsung lcd, anyone had good experiences with those?



I have the 60" Pioneer Elite and the colors and picture are fantastic. As far as I'm concerned the best picture on the market. Not cheap, but outstanding picture. My wife got me the Pioneer Elite Blueray player for Christmas, so I've been watching a fair bit of BlurRay over the holidays. I think I've watched about 12 discs so far and have really enjoyed the picture. I have an HD DVR as well, but broadcast 1080i is certainly not the same as BluRay 1080p

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You can hire a pro, or go out and get the colour filters that you need to look at the pattern through.


Yup, ISF Calibrators. Like any professional, there are some that are better than others. There are usually good references to local ISF pros on the AVF orums

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