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Can not use the connect button when selecting a spline??


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Ok I have made a straight line and then used the outline command to offset this line. Now what I want to do is select the 2 longest lines and do a connect between them to separate them with multiple lines. Now I know for a fact I used to be able to do this but I am trying this in Max 2009 and the connect button is greyed out when I am in editable spline/segment mode??


What is going on? All I want are 2 parallel lines connected by multiple lines between them (like a ladder).

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I am sure it was the connect button, as what it did was divide the line by the amount i specified and then cut the lines with lines if you see what i mean.


So it divided the parallel lines with lines at specific points. The creat line button will create a line wherever but I want my parallel lines divided a certain number of times with other lines.

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the connect button is exclusively for the vertex mode..to draw the ladder just select both the longest lines in the segment mode and divide them as much as you need with the divide button then you can draw the ladder lines manually using the vertex snaps on after that..attach all the lines and weld all the vertices.maybe there r better and faster ways to do this. i am looking forward. can you tell us the use of this ladder shape.

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Well maybe I was imagining it but I do seem to remember selecting the 2 longest lines and hitting the connect button and another window appears enabling me to select how many lines I wanted to divide by. It has been awhile since I tried this so maybe they have changed it. I will have another play tonight and see if I can figure it out.


Oh and I was using this to create a roof tile profile so that you can extrude it and create plain roof tiles.

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