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Noisy Materials

Michael J. Brown

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It's starting to get late. I'm getting very sleepy, and I've done about as much searching as I have time to reasonably do on this topic with no definative solution to my delimma. So here it goes.


Is there another way of elliminating the (grainy) noise in my materials besides increasing reflection subdivisions? I find that whenever I drop the reflection glossiness value below about .98 on a material it gets all grainy and noisy when bouncing light of any kind (be it photometric, daylight, vraylight material or other). Bumping the subdivisions up high enough will get rid of the noise for certain, but at a very high cost to my render times.


There's gotta be a way to accomplish the same result with less negative impact on render times. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? (No pun intended.):rolleyes:

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Can you post a screenshot of your material settings. Also it could be in your render settings not your material settings. can you post some screen shots of your render settings as well. This will help us all understand what we are dealing with better. A render showing the problem would help also. I think that's all lol

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Your hsubdivs are 80 -very high for a test render- and your LC is super low. Also, your global subdivs are low -raising them will help with grain. I leave materials at the default 8 subdivs and use the global multipliers. Particularly noisy mats can then be tweaked individually, going from 8 to 12-24 for a really bad one. Usually I don't have to do this, though. Also, refl. interp. smooths noise out really well, but usually looks wrong to me, so I boost material subdivs and take the render hit -it's there for you to use, and sometimes it looks OK.

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Render without the laight cache to see if that is the problem (50 is very low). If thats not it, it cpould well be your DMC settings. Post an image, its easier to isolate the problem.

And your material looks fone. I think you should lower the samples to around 12.

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