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how to link layers to control adjustment layers

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i have three layers

at the botom is my main render i.e the base layer

above that is my Ao pass/vray dirt pass

now i made an adjustment layer(levels) to brighten up my AO layer and linked the levels adjustment layer to my AO layer so that it doesnt affect my base layer


but its still affecting the base layer.

what am i doing wrong in this method?



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Create a 'Group Folder' (folder button at bottom of Layer panel) and drag the 'AO' and its Adjustment Layer into that folder. Use the pull-down menu in the Layer dialog to change the folders blending option from 'Pass Through' to 'Normal'.


If you've done it correctly, everything under that folder will not be affected by the adjustment layers within. Good luck!

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i just tried what you exactly mentioned

but still the layer below this group is being affected

actually i am trying to adjust the levels of AO pass so that the it becomes more white and shadows are not too dark.

on the same hand i want to use "multiply" AO layer over base layer.

can u explain to me graphically using photoshop



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just group the adjustment layer to your actual AO layer. place the adjustment layer ontop of the AO image, select that layer and press Ctrl-Alt-G.


then just change the blending mode on your AO layer itself to multiply.


(awesome tip jason, I always hated how my adjustments to my base render affected the background group, this fixed it perfect)

Edited by BrianKitts
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Note that using ctrl-alt-g on a layer with effects applied doesn't change that layer (actually removes the adjustment.). You need to use the group with normal rather than pass thru on those sorts of layers.



in my case grouping with :normal" mode doesnt work rather the pass through mode works perfectly

kindly see attached image to understand what i am talking about




if i change the group blending mode to normal i dont see the base layer

but if i use pass through mode i get perfectly what i wanted



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