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Outdoor Environments

Don McClure

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I would like to find out the overall level of interest in a product that plugs into Max and Viz and deals with outdoor environments -- trees, plants, water.


WorldBuilder ( Digital Element )currently plugs into Max and Viz and we are considering a special plug-0in with new features.


I'm looking forward to finding out if this is the kind of thing people need.



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Guest johnvid

The only thing I can think of is some thing as good as dreamscape with more cloud algorythms, obviously the clouds must be able to build up over time, but the ability to have multiple layers of clouds with varing base colours/density would help to make a more convincing sky, the more 3D they could be the better or seperate 3D cloud objects like afterburner, as currently they are quite flat layers (the ability to integrate with the wind system in max, not really ness')


(no chance of them holding a static charge and producing lightning and changing colours)


the create panorama feature like dreamscape is real usefull, but it could do with creating the backdrop for the undersea area or at least some kind of land gradient.


obviously subsurface scattering,

an ability to work within a global illumination/radiosity calculation,

wave foam creation,

Trees like speed tree, but faster! or features like Nat FX.


Good Luck


John Barrow visuals@i-matter.net

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I think that this is something that really needs to be addressed. A lot of the desings I work on are simple to model but one landscaping background etc. is added the project is eating up the original budget. I like working on the environment aspects of the project but I am tired of spending 75% of the time working on trees and grass and all that stuff. And then if the bitmap tree looks like a bitmap it is distracting when the actual building looks wonderful.

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I would like to see fast rendering trees, bushes, etc., that could be animated along with animating the sky. That would be great. Up till now, RPC files are the only way to incorporate landscaping with reasonable rendering times. If you could beat the ease of use of RPC with better quality I am sure this industry would embrace the product. I'll be keeping an eye out for it.

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Hi Don,


Wonderful idea to combine it all together, because at this time you have to combine several plugins that won't work together well - if one has access to those plugins allready.


One overall backgroundcreator would be extremely nice.


Here are some features that I would love to see:


- a very simple setup, straightforward interface with good detail and really easy to use

good for trees, shrubs, furniture,...

- a database system with a add by click on the correct height for any object

- automated sky, light, air, atmosphere setup:

just set your sun at a given time, animate to another time, and everything will be set i.e. light color changing, haze changing, skycolor,...

Much in the way that 4E was great!!! (4E = Four Elements, an old max2.5 plugin which was bought by metacreations and corel, but never released again)

- automated layered clouds (so we can say goodbye to wrong-perspective-skydomes...) The setup should be as easy as 4E: easy coloring, animating, density etc.

- sfx flares for the sun that work(now DNT does not work with flares...)

- Houses, Farms, Cities, villages... that add distance detail

- at a reasonable price of course!


We are architects afterall, and don't want to spent 75% of our time recreating the background.

Say we have about 5-10% of the time to spent on background setup...





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This is pretty good stuff -- I work with WorldBuilder and we are currently looking into either making a plug in for our own product or adding specific functionality for architects and landscape architects.


Right now WorldBuilder is used by architects and landscape architects, but I think we want to create a streamlined workflow and some specialized features to make it easier for you guy (and gals).


What I might do is try to work with Jeff to create a small group of architects that can help us with making sure this is a good tool for architects. We can throw in some heavily discounted software as well.


If you think you might be interested, contact either or both Jeff Mottle and myself. Once we gauge the level of interest, we can figure out what, if anything, makes sense.


(By the way, WorldBuilder 3.5 will have true 3D clouds, to answer an earlier post)



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Hi Don,


Here are a few wishes/thougts

- Adding buildings would be nice, especially when citiescould be generated. Check out Marcs post on this: http://www.cgarchitect.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=26;t=000016

- I think it's a great idea to be able to render the background in a different plate above which we can compose the final image. This is great for saving resources/memory/cpu-speed etc.

So basicly, one should be able to render the background and compose the building/foreground element over it BUT the latter pass should include reflections from the sky and a basic landscape too.

(This is a problem I ran into using skydomes, as I can't exclude them from the alpha channel. So it's either everything in one pass - ow dear! - or sky and background seperate, but without reflections of the same skydome as this will be composed over the background...)


What do you think of these ideas?





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Sorry it took so long to get back. I was hanging out with Klingons and Stormtroopers at Dragon Con.


We have access to technology that does cityscapes procedurally. The problem we always run into is that if you try to put too many features in, you get a 15 pound swiss army knife, which doesn't fit into your pocket.


So lets say you have something like WorldBuilder, which does a lot already. We add an easy way to grade roads and an easy way to use a digitized pic as the backdrop in an interesting way. Maybe we ship with a disk with 20 real 3D backdrops as well...


How useful would it be to be able to take a picture of a plant, send it to Digital Element with maybe $75 and have us create that exact plant for you in 3D? We have been considering this service for awhile....


So I am forming up the plan for working with Nisus and some folks at CG Architect on this plug-in. Can interested parties e-mail me directly at don@digi-element.com?


Once we get the ball rolling I will speak to Herr Mottle about a special room. Probably a WorldBuilder room.



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