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per object masking

Dave Buckley

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You cans also try the Quick Pass plug in script which does exactly the same thing but can also do shadows, AO, and reflection passes.


They both support sub object face selections too, though not always reliably.

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Plugins for this?


Render Elements Object ID pass.

To quickly assign random IDs to all objects, type this in the Listener Window:

for i = 1 to geometry.count do geometry.gbufferChannel = i

Edited by luckymutt
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I'm still with mat on this one.


Using the render elements is certainly one way to do it though I never seem to get a matched alias setting using this method. Also this might not be so quick for pasting in as selection sets in Photoshop. The render elements involves a lot of extra work to set up and then use in photoshop.


If you want to have a selection of objects that have the same material (or different) using the plugin scripts(that are free btw) you to simply select what you want and click the button on the script to render. Renders are extremly fast too as the script turns off all the materials, shadows, lights exposure control and atmosphere then returns them back to the previous state after render. A 3600x2400 with 3million polys renders out in about a minute using either script. Always save your work before running a script!

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Using the render elements is certainly one way to do it though I never seem to get a matched alias setting using this method.

Make sure "Enable Filtering" is checked. That should take care of any aliasing problems.

"Enable Filtering" is on by default for some elements, but not all.

ObjectID and MatID elements it is off by default. (that has to do with matching alphas that are not pre-multiplied)


The render elements involves a lot of extra work to set up and then use in photoshop.


Presuming you have already set up to save the main image, when you select a render element, the save as and file name is already set up for you.

For using in Photoshop...I don't see how its anymore troublesome.


I do like (and use) the rendermask script for isolating a single object (or just a few) for masking.

In dave's original description of wanting it for "each object" in his scene though...assign randomIDs, ObjectID element, done.

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Michael is right about aliasing. How do you select the particular colour of the object ID pass? with the magic wand? what tolerance should you set it too to ensure perfect aliasing for that object?

I always do multiple luminance masks for several objects in the scene that aren't touching and then drop that straight into PS as a channel.

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