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Better Booleans

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Yeah, its a sweet new plug for sure - especially since its free



I've been using it for a few weeks and it does give better results, however it is significantly slower with complex geometry.


I also just bought Surface Painter by Paul Everette and I am about to buy his wire shader.

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Haha, sorry strat.


Surface Painter Summary:

Create a library of textured polygonal objects and variations, then spray paint them onto other objects.

Verdict: Kick Ass. Amazing for planting trees, rocks flowers - basically anything you need scattered quickly. Be warned about using high poly (over a few hundred) objects. You get full control over variations in scale and rotation. Downside is it costs 69 euros and your library MUST be polygonal objects.


Finger Painter Summary:

I helped Paul design and beta test this plug so I dig it :) Basically you can drag, clone and rotate objects along the surfaces of other objects.

Verdict: ITS FREE! And works fantastic. Great for planting trees and flowers one at a time.


Wire Shader:

I dont have this yet, but it looks awesome.

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