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Vray Distribute render with 2 4core machines slower than render without DR in 3Dmax 9

Tian Li

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Hi guys, I was texting DR render with 2 x 4cores machine in 3Dmax9. It taks 12 minutes a frame, however when I uncheck DR. Only render with the local machine, it takes only 10 minutes. Anyone know why? I have all my material in the local machine

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I'd guess it's a gamma issue for the slight differences in colour.


There is a substantial amount of overhead when doing 1 render split amongst multiple computers. Everything is internal on a single machine. You have a very fast bus between your CPU and your RAM. With DR, you are replacing the very fast bus with a network.



So I'd go with a VERY fast and efficient router to handle the data switching and very good network cables. Cat-6 is rated for 1000 megs a second where-as Cat-5 is rated for 100 megs a second.


Physical distance between the machines might affect it, too. MTU size on your machines could affect it. Do you have access to a protocol analyser? If so, study the flow of data during a render. See what the typical and largest packet size is and adjust your MTU accordingly.

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