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A lesson in C4D fakiosity


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i agree completely.


altho it's interesting to see how different software handles fakiosity.


max's soft shadows are extreamely poor and i dont much like max fakiosity (even tho i regulaly use it).


this is the best C4D fakiosity i seen. Cinema's soft shadows are superb. and i mean superb. and they cast soft shadows through opacity/alpha mapped plains.


and it goes to show - i've seen this guys work before but never suspected it was ALL fakiosity. very nice work and damn usefull tuts on setting up his lighting rigs.


Also the render times are very low. much lower than i expected.

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Hi folks,


I would just disagree about Max´s shadowmaps being poor. OK, C4D´s renderer seems to be a few steps ahead of Max´s old scanliner but I´ve been able to get good results with scanline...


Here go two interior samples.


1. This first one was completely done with Max´s scanline.




2. This second was rendered with GI using Vray.




3. Rendered with scanline. Note that it was not intended to represent the same lighting scheme of the GI rendering.



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