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Foster And Partner Renders

scotty v

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Hey guys and gals,


I've always wondered, who renders images for Foster and Partners? Is it done in house?


I really love the feeling of space expressed in their renders.






love the textures, love the lighting and the atmosphere created by the sun beams shooting accross the images.


If you produce images like this, could you give me some basic pointers to get this feeling? Do you think the sunbeams are rendered or Photoshop (dodge tool).





Scotty V

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  armilla said:
I believe Foster's use various Visualisation Studios and one of them is Vyonyx. This particular render looks like one of their's - it has that rather unique painterly style about it.


yup, you're right. they do use vyonyx and you can see a lot of these on their website and flickr page. You can also download a pdf of their work in catagories and how they they tier the quality of work (platinum--> etc). Very cool by the way. I really dig their work.


also check out





different but also highly styleised imaging.

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What's the general opinion from you guys of images of this sort? I think they convey a mood of a proposed building that goes beyond a mere photographic representation. I have a keen interest in this style and was wondering if clients of less prestigious buildings and smaller jobs would be as recepitive to this style. I believe the future of architectural visualisation is in producing true works of 'art' that express a mood and feeling in line with the design intention. The replication of photography is becoming an easier more achievable goal and so clients will be looking for images that goes beyond this medium IMO.

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i agree Adam , even a little deviation from the "photorealistic " / ordinary GI work interests the client . I have obsevered that from showing from portfolio to various people that they tend to linger a while at the artsy images ..


those are great images by the way scotty

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