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Command Issues, Cannot select the object first.


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I have just come in after the wekend off and my autocad 2010 is doing something very strange.


The way I usually work is i select an object and then type m to move it, then i move it done. But now i select the object type M it deslect5s everything and i have to select the object again.


I know with some commands this is the way you work e.g. slice.


But this is getting on my wick, what has happened? I have replaced my acad.pgp file with my own one and it still does it.


ANy help?


(I am modelling in Acad)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, ticking the Noun/Verb checkbox or setting the Pickfirst variable to 1 will achieve the same result. Just two different ways to do the same thing. Either method will solve the problem.


In a hurry so won't double check if I'm right:


Tools: Options: Selection: Noun/Verb.

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