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2D entourage... need men/women in white coats/walking around.. for labs

wasteland giant

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The last time I did a lab project I purchased a lab coat from a local thrift store with the intention of making my friends wear it, so I could shoot them in the appropriate poses, and build up my lab people library. Unfortunately the project took a different direction, and that part was never completed, but you get the idea. There will be times we will not be able to find the entourage we want, so it is time to improvise.


You might also want to take advantage of a few post Halloween sales to meet these needs. I am sure there are several doctor Halloween costumes that are no longer being used.


Edit: Wanted to add a few links to real items, not toys...


Lab Jacket $5.. http://cgi.ebay.com/LAB-COAT-JACKET_W0QQitemZ230392347901QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUniform?hash=item35a4743cfd

Stethoscope $9.. http://cgi.ebay.com/BRAND-NEW-NURSING-SPRAGUE-RAPPAPORT-STETHOSCOPE-BLACK_W0QQitemZ370284031901QQcategoryZ78119QQcmdZViewItem


Now, throw in a nurse uniform, and a clipboard or two, and you will be set.

Edited by Crazy Homeless Guy
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  Crazy Homeless Guy said:
The last time I did a lab project I purchased a lab coat from a local thrift store with the intention of making my friends wear it, so I could shoot them in the appropriate poses, and build up my lab people library. Unfortunately the project took a different direction, and that part was never completed, but you get the idea. There will be times we will not be able to find the entourage we want, so it is time to improvise.


I second this route as there isn't really a good lab people library out there. The RPC laboratory people is a joke if you plan on rendering at any decent resolution. The people are all about 600 pixels tall, so if you're rendering at any decent size you're going to see the quality breakdown. Then of course you have the whole lighting issue that they are poorly lit, but that's just what we have grown to accept with RPCs.

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You can try http://www.filmvaultstudios.com, they have lots of green screen clips of doctors, nurses and medical people. I was able to download a free nurse and surgeon clips last month.


I am not the owner of this website or work for them. I am also trying my hand at film editing so I am a regular visitor to this website. I keep a collection of their free clips for future use.

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^ the dosch people range is pretty bad. We have their dosch urban ones and theres a few women in there with too much make up - the face is all red and weird looking. I personally don't like to use them. we also have private life + casual + business and again, I don't like them.


the hospital one, I just had a look and again, not really usable/attractive. The doctor guy is wearing an open toed sandal?


we discussed the buy a labcoat + steto option. Will keep you guys updated to see what happens next.



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thanks for taking a look at our library, but i can only agree, we do not have any 'lab' people as for the moment.


i personally quite like the idea, and added it as a bundle idea to our list.


perhaps we are able to get some authentic shots somewhere.



are you interested in a special kind of lab?


with best regards



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looking for scientists/people in white coats/doctors. Can I assert one thing though. While posing talking is fine. What is best for these is:


people walking towards/away sideways. In a realistic fashion. The dosch products... a lot of the people are hamming it up and in static poses. Sometimes, you don't want to look at them you know...










(obviously not such a low camera angle - woman walking away would be perfect!)

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thanks for the images.


though you don't have to worry about poses - we're ourselfs doing arch vis on a regular basis and know pretty well what kind of images work and which don't.



im just wondering:


the people shown on those image seem to classify as doctors or nurses, or basically beeing described as 'hostpital'.

which is kind of different than people seen in a 'laboratoy'.


anyhow, we won't be able to produce and release a bundle within a timeframe for your project - unfortunately :/


only thing we can offer right from the stand, is to 'cut out' sample images you're able to find on the internet / stock libraries.

(actually we're thinking to offer this as a service - i think we got quite good with removing backgrounds :) )





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