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AutoCAD Command line missing


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Stupid question : It's not hiding up the top is it ;)

I have mine like that to be like Rhino.



Have you tried going to Options>Display then changing he number lines to be dislayed in the command line window, that might make it reapear???

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lol, sounds silly but it's true - if you lost the command line it's usually because it's hiding squashed up right at the bottom of the screen. just pull it up! happens to me occationally if i'm in a rush and accidently pull the wrong widow.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

here's one for ya - can you lock the toolbars in autocad??...i'm constantly accidentally clicking in a tool bar non-button zone and it will drag halfway across my screen before I realize what I've done - which then throws off the other toolbars.



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  • 7 years later...

I have stumbled across two methods to bring up the command line (neither of which I saw on this thread). I don't know what version you're running, but I'm running 2010. The command line was missing, but I could still type commands, which would often appear on the screen as if I were typing text into the drawing, and then hit enter or space to execute.


On a whim, I typed "commandline" and it appeared. I then closed the command line and in the process was shown a second method of hiding or showing the command line: Control + 9.


I hope one of these works for you.

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