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London Training Event with CGA and 3DATS

Jeff Mottle

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Hi all,


Before the email goes out I wanted to let all of our forums members know about a special training event that CGA and 3DATS have set up in London.




We ran a smaller version of this event in the summer of 2008 and sold out every class. I imagine, we will sell out again too pretty quickly.


Even if you can't make it, if you refer someone who does, we'll send you a free 3DATS book of your choice. You just have to send me the name of the person you referred and the book you want to london@cgarchitect.com


Looking forward to meeting more of you in March.




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Jeff, first of all let me say that I love what you are doing for the arch vis community, the website and the forums are pure excellence.


I am very interested in going to the training event. However, it is very hard for me to get away from work let alone out of the country. And then there is the cost for airfare and lodging. I will be trying my hardest to go there but wanted to run something by you in the mean time.


Have you thought of recording the sessions? Just a screen capture on the lecturer's screen and an audio track grabbed from their mic is what I was thinking. I feel like there are many people like myself who want very, very badly to be there but in all likelihood will not end up attending. Offering a set of training dvd's or an online training setup like the one for V-ray at Vismasters would be a great alternative. I know that I would be the first in line to pick up my copy. Is this something that is viable and is it something that you have thought about?

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  acjwalker said:
I am in! Why the 8am start though, 9 am I could get the train form where I live but 8 means geting up very very early, though my sister in law has kindly put me up in london. Still means I will be grumpy for at least the first hour.


You have all been warned!


LOL. That's ok, we'll be grumpy too given I'm 8 hours behind London and Brian is 6 hours. The classes start that early as there is A LOT of material to cover in just two days. If we started later we'd have to make it a 3-4 day class which would easily add 50-60% to the cost. There will be coffee and tea waiting for you...

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  acjwalker said:
Just wondering managed to get hold of a laptop, might not be completely up to scratch, what exactly are we going to be rendering in the vray days?


You won't need to render anything complex. The laptop is mostly so you can follow along in the dialog boxes and do quick tests with what you learn and ask questions accordingly.

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Yes, we'll have power for everyone. Presuming Mr. Smith doesn't take out the entire breaker again. I told him not to bring a power bar with 110V surge protection last time, but he misunderstood and when he plugged in his laptop it took the entire floor power down. Took an hour to call in a tech to find the breaker hidden in the ceiling to bring it back LOL. Go Smith!

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  Jeff Mottle said:
Yes, we'll have power for everyone. Presuming Mr. Smith doesn't take out the entire breaker again. I told him not to bring a power bar with 110V surge protection last time, but he misunderstood and when he plugged in his laptop it took the entire floor power down. Took an hour to call in a tech to find the breaker hidden in the ceiling to bring it back LOL. Go Smith!


I wouldn't have had to pull out any power bar in the classroom if my assistant, Mr. Mottle, had properly coordinated with the training facility to have a power bar ready and waiting.

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