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Upload Utility/ Apple Mac


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Hi Jeff,


Just thought I'd let you know that I've been having problems with the Upload Utility in my workplace.


I use a Windows PC at home, but in work I'm using a Mac running OS X. So far I have been completely unable to use the image uploader. I get as far as selecting the file i wish to upload..... after that, when I click the 'submit' button nothing appears to happen.


I don't know if anyone else has ever had this problem using a Mac but I can say that I've never had any problems using my PC.



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OK guys I think I finally have a solution. I was talking with my brother in law last night (a network analyst) and we figured out that is most proabably a pop-up blocker that is causing the upload utility not to work. If you are a MAC, or on a PC using Mozilla, Opera etc and when you click on the UPLOAD UTILITY button and nothing happens or if you click the UPLOAD button and nothing happens, be sure to add CGarchitect.com as a site that you accept pop-up from. The way I launch the window to keep it's size and show upload progress is also the same way some pop-ups are generated, so I think your browsers are preventing it from working. I am told that Safarri, Mozilla, and Opera all block pop-ups by default unless you allow them.


If that does still not work, then I'm affraid it becuase your browsers does not recognize javascript properly.

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