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Originally posted by Jeff Mottle:

You can still uncheck it, it's just that it is now check by default rather than uncheck

Well, looking at the options in the profile there are only two that could be it:


Allow Administrators and Moderators to send you email notices? Yes No


Be notified by email when someone sends you a private message? Yes No


It's not likely the second, so it must be the first. I did not read 'allowing admin.s to send emails' to mean 'auto-notice when your thread replied to'. May I suggest a re-wording of the label for the checkbox?

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Hey Ernest, the checkbox you are looking for appear to the botom left of the textbox you use when post a message to the forum. This checkbox only appears if you are the topic starter. And consequantly you can only be notified of new messages if you are the topic starter. If you have a topic that you wish to change so that you do not receive notification, just edit your original message and uncheck the checkbox mentioned above.

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Originally posted by nisus:

Did you already find where to change the settings when posting a new topic Ernest?

Sure, soon as Jeff told me where it was.


Thanks all, I will be mindful of this in the future. I don't mind having to uncheck it, I just went looking and could not find the way to do it. I was looking in the wrong place.

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